Well… It looks like Lodge of Honour has done it again..!!

Their February 10th meeting in Bath was another double Initiation… that’s 2 double Initiations in 3 meetings !

A significant number of visitors had made their way to the Bath Masonic Hall to see 2 more Good Men introduced to Freemasonry.    They were swift to congratulate the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Geoff Ifill, and his Officers for the excellent Ceremony and the new Entered Apprentices on taking their First Regular Step in Freemasonry.  Bro. Mike and Bro. Matt conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion and they clearly enjoyed the experience.

Yet again the Lodge Social Media activity came into its own, as Brother Matt’s initial contact with the Lodge of Honour was through the Lodge Twitter account, it’s clearly becoming a bit of a habit !  The assembled company then enjoyed another excellent banquet prepared by the resident chef, Ben Hayward.  They were also further delighted by a rendition of the Entered Apprentice Song by W. Bro. Roger Penny, whose dulcet tones entertained all present.   The evening ended on a most convivial note and everyone left after the fine wining and dining had been…”thankfully received and faithfully applied !”