Yearly Archives: 2020

Heart Break Hotel

Through no fault of our own, any one of us could find ourselves destitute and living rough; overlooked and ignored by the majority of people rushing by. In the words of musician and song-writer, Sam Eason: “Nobody realised it was Elvis sat there; he could have been anyone, they just didn't care” Well, emerging [...]

By | November 11th, 2020|

St Alphege Lodge Centenary

On 6th September 100 years ago St Alphege Lodge 4095 was consecrated and this significant date in our history could not pass without some form of acknowledgement and celebration. Under the current restrictions the only realistic option was to hold an informal social Zoom session to mark the occasion. 23 members managed to login and [...]

By | September 17th, 2020|

’Square Meals’ initiative delivers its 1000th meal

A week on from our last bulletin, and with just over a month passed since the first tentative discussions took place on the topic of what Bath Freemasons could do to help during the current Covid Emergency, the resultant Square Meals Initiative to provide free ready meals to the most vulnerable people in our area [...]

By | May 12th, 2020|

Bath Freemasons launch ‘Square Meals’ initiative

As part of the effort to combat the ill-effects of Covid-19 upon the health and welfare of the most vulnerable in the area, Bath Freemasons have launched the ' Square Meals ’ initiative by re-opening their kitchen to provide wholesome, pre-cooked frozen meals for delivery by Social Care staff to vulnerable citizens through the B&NES [...]

By | May 4th, 2020|