Through no fault of our own, any one of us could find ourselves destitute and living rough; overlooked and ignored by the majority of people rushing by.
In the words of musician and song-writer, Sam Eason: “Nobody realised it was Elvis sat there; he could have been anyone, they just didn’t care”
Well, emerging author Helen Brian does!
As a support worker in Bath, Helen has seen first-hand the effects of homelessness.
Many of her clients suffer with low self-esteem, confidence issues and mental health problems. Something which Helen herself struggled with at university.
From her personal experience and seeing the devastating effects of homelessness, she was inspired to write a book, entitled ‘Elvis’ which seeks to spread a positive message while raising money for a good cause.
On hearing about this and discovering that her Great Grandfather Bro Percy Bryant and Grandfather Bro Ken Bryant had both been members of St Alphege Lodge, we immediately agreed to donate £1,000 to Julian House to demonstrate our support of this worthy cause.
This was soon matched by PGL Somerset and within days the Masonic Charitable Foundation doubled the total to £4,000
The book will be launched on 20th November and can be purchased via her website; apart from making an ideal Christmas present the proceeds will go towards relieving the suffering of those less fortunate than ourselves.
Helen’s selfless display of compassion and charity resonate with the tenets of Freemasonry; her Great Grandad and Grandad would have been very proud of her.