Yearly Archives: 2016

    A Masonic Christmas Tree

    The annual Christmas Tree Trail held at the Central United Reformed Church in Bath helps to raise funds to support the crucial work undertaken by nominated local charities and community service organisations. This year, Bath Freemasons joined in the fun by building a Masonic Christmas tree from key tools, with the aim of highlighting [...]

    By | December 21st, 2016|

      A Bevy of Beauties

      W Bro Alan Dolman, the Worshipful Master of Royal Albert Edward Lodge for 2016/17, attended the Lodge’s annual Christmas dinner with his wife and five daughters. This is the first time Alan’s daughters have been to the Lodge to see where their father had spent so many fun-packed evenings over his 35 years in [...]

      By | December 10th, 2016|

        Thanks from Outgoing WM

        W.Bro Phil Cottrell says that it has been a privilege to serve as Worshipful Master for 2015/16.   It was a tremendous honour and he would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of Royal Albert Edward Lodge No 906 for their support.

        By | October 29th, 2016|

          £5,000 Raised for New RUH Bereavement Suite

          Masonic Lodges across Bath have come together to help bereaved families at the City's Royal United Hospital. The Royal Albert Edward, St Alphege and Royal Cumberland Lodges have raised £5,000 for the RUH’s ‘Forget-Me-Not’ Child Bereavement Suite in the maternity unit. This project will provide grieving parents with a safe and comforting space to [...]

          By | June 12th, 2016|

            Elizabethan Lodge enjoy a special “Burns Evening”

            Elizabethan Lodge entertained their many visitors with a fun filled Burns supper after enjoying an excellent ceremony in which Bro. Colin Ray “finally" became a Master Mason. ( 3 years in the making ) which was made all the more special by his brother in law travelling from London to expertly deliver a lovely [...]

            By | February 6th, 2016|